The Holz "Snapperz" ring allows a a drummer to put a protected hole in their kick drum skin to allow for the placement of a microphone. A common problem with kick drum skins is that almost all common replacement skins don't come with a hole pre-cut. This means you have to cut it yourself. This is scary because even the smallest flaw in the cutting of a hole will eventually (and usually quickly) evolve into a huge tear, meaning you just wasted $40-$60 on a skin. Also, even if you manage to cut a perfect hole, it is still a weak spot and the smallest abrasion like the skin rubbing up against a poorly placed drum mic can make it eventually tear. The Holz "Snapperz" allows you to not only cut a perfect circle, but also protects the edge of the hole from damage. Its not hard to put these in either. I installed the following one in a hotel room in under 15 mins.
Here's how to install a Holz "Snapper":
1. Clean all surfaces the ring will be touching with alcohol. Peel the wax paper off of the adhesive backing on the "female" ringin the package and stick it carefully onto the back of the drum skin making sure the rim is facing up. Make sure the "Snapper" edge is at least 2" awayfrom the rim of the skin.

2. Carefully begin cutting the hole from the opposite (front) side of the skin by using the pre-stuck ring as a guide. make sure to cut smoothly and consistantly and hold the knife at aprox 2o degrees as shown. Make sure you dont cut into the plastic ring, or cut away any of the adhesive tape.

3. Remove the wax paper from the "male" ring in the pack and place it on a flat surface. You want to start press fitting the female ring over the male ring. Make sure you line up the ring first. You dont want to have to peel off the adhesive tape to start again. Its foam and it will rip. Take your time an make sure the thing is snapped in properly.

4. Admire your work!
