My new PR40 microphone just arrived today. It is one of the best sounding microphones I've heard in its price range. Its a front address (end fire), wide frequency range, dynamic microphone and it sounds incredible. Not too many people know about this line of mics, or even the company and it is my mission to spread the word about this awesome mic!
My good friend Bob Strakele (FOH for Billy Talent, Simple Plan, Bouncing Souls, etc) first introduced me to this awesome mic. He put the Heil PR40 on Jeff Stinco's (Simple Plan) guitar cabinet as well as a Sennheiser e906 and we compared the two mics through his headphones. The difference was night and day. The PR40 had a rich full deep bodied sound as well as crisp and not overbearing highs. The e906 in comparison seemed to be missing a lot of low end, as well as sounding to thin and a little muddy. Bob owns four PR40's and several other PR30's as well. He uses them on kick an snare drums, toms, guitar, bass, and even vocals. Now that I have one, I can do the same!
Some of the best features of this microphone are:
1) It's dynamic, yet still sounds like a condenser.
2) The noise cancelation on it in phenomenal.
3) It has MANY potention uses in all kinds of situations.
4) Its large diaphram picks up the lows like nobodys business!
5) It can handle huge SPL's before clipping.
The PR 40 is widely used in production recording, especially podcasting. I looked at getting one a little while back, but it was a lil too much for me for a hobby.