So Dave of Inward Eye's bass stopped working a few days ago. After having a broken off volume knob, and a no longer working, rusted out, tone knob, as well as a crackly input jack, it was time to open it up and do a little "road-surgury". We were talking to Flogging Molly's Stage Manager "Badger" and he recommended just removing the tone knob all together. So we did. We also bought and installed a new volume pot which turned out being the wrong size, but 15 minutes before the show it went in anyways. The next step that Badger recommended was removing the volume knob too. Dave is game, and so am I.

I was really impressed at how much better the bass tone was after we removed the tone knob. It makes sense though. You are removing a component that causes resistance in the circuitry of the instrument. The signal has a shorter more direct path to travel resulting in better current and voltage, which means a cleaner, fuller tone. Amazing.
What would those boys of Inward Eye do without you?