We played in the teeny club called The Cavern in Dallas a couple nights ago. The first thing I noticed was the placement of the sound board. Its placed under the stairwell of the upstairs of the club, and its literally right in front of the stage. Regardless of the placement of the board, the PA was surprisingly crisp and loud. I am really enjoying mixing in these small rooms on this tour. It makes you follow the rule of "sound reinforcement". Step back and listen to the drums and guitars and bass and judge it as a whole. What needs to be louder? More defined? In small rooms there's no sense in putting a mic on everything and blasting it through the sound system. If everyone can hear the snare drum, don't make it louder.

Meet John Mudd. He's the sound tech at the Cavern. My first impression of him was "Wow, I wish I could be as relaxed as this guy". Thanks John for putting up with all of our gear in your way and my many demands. Ha ha!